July 8, 2011

Deep, Dark Foodie Confessions

I'm afraid of making omelets.
I don't know why, but the very idea scares the crap out of me. I worry that it'll fall apart, that I'll merely have scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese (though I don't see how that's bad), or that I'll burn it horribly, or overfill it. Or, god forbid, undercook it!
Approximately one day after the disappearance of not one, but TWO, coffeecakes, I find myself craving eggs. Protein, protein, protein, fat. Yum.
So, in an act that you will soon realize renders my fear of omelets utterly irrational, I made fried eggs. Okay, no big deal, right?
The irrationality comes from the way I make fried eggs. Particularly the way I chose to make them today. I should have no reason to fear omelets.

A Crazy Person's Fried Eggs
Serves approximately one crazy person

2 eggs
2 tbsp white onion, diced
as much damn cheese as you want
as much damn pepper as you want

1. Lose all sense of what a fried egg is supposed to be or look like.
2. Decide that cheese and onion is a good idea for your fried eggs.
3. Lose the ability to flip your eggs (because you're too impatient to just wait for it to cook through) and end up folding the strange little mass of eggs that have puddled together, trapping cheese, black pepper, and onion inside.
4. Proceed to break yolks, cursing vigorously, and finally remember how to flip a damn egg.

Yes. I essentially made an omelet.
It was yummy, it was tasty, it wasn't even messy. And the fact is, it didn't even break. It WAS overstuffed, but I refuse to believe that anything overstuffed can really be a bad thing. Overstuffed turkey? Send that bird my way! I loves me some stuffing.
Anyway, no picture because I was hungry and didn't feel like sharing.

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