So, still no comments. Oh woe is me.
I know I have at least three readers. I think. Oh well, if no one reads me then I shall exist for my own amusement. So there.
Tonight's meal.... confusing in the best way. Think utter boredom, no inspiration, and a very disappointing grocery haul. Somehow, I turned out something that was completely yummy.
Here it is, the shockingly under-estimated thing that I refuse to call by it's proper name!
Caitlin's Not-Sauce Yumtasticness
Serves 3.
1 medium onion, diced
1/2 yellow pepper, diced
1 small potato, diced supah-fine
14.5 oz canned diced tomatoes, strained and pureed
dried oregano
dried basil
black pepper
garlic (optional. You will never see this be optional on my blog again!)
grapeseed oil
1. Dice onions and dump into a preheated stainless steel pan with grapeseed oil (I'm elegant about this, aren't I?). Allow onions to sweat for a few minutes before adding potato and pepper.
2. Puree tomatoes in blender (using the puree setting!), adding garlic if desired. (Trust me, I desired garlic, but the stuff in a jar just doesn't do it for me.)
3. Add pureed tomato to vegetables and mix gently (if you're too rough it'll slosh).
4. Season with oregano, basil, and black pepper in whatever proportions you desire. I happen to like 1 part oregano, 2 parts basil, 1/2 part black pepper. Stir in.
5. Walk away and watch TV for 45 minutes, returning periodically to stir.
6. When potato pieces are cooked through, serve into a bowl (and don't forget to turn off the burner on the stove), and top with mozzarella. Allow to soften for about 30 seconds and then stir in.

So, the best part of this dish is that it tastes remarkably like pizza. Not a huge surprise, given that all the ingredients (with the exception of potatoes, traditionally) are normal pizza ingredients. Still, it makes for an awesome pasta-less dish that has the potential to be v*gan (you just have to be a cheese-hating jerk. Disclaimer: This blog is not aimed at v*gans and is not particularly v*gan friendly. Disclaimed, bitches.). Yum yum yum.
Now go make this!
It's so simple that it could easily be taken for granted, but it's AMAZING.
Also, to explain the potatoes, because it has come to my attention that I need to explain them... I had initially intend to make a mini curry, but then it occurred to me that I couldn't remember the spice blend and couldn't be bothered to thaw and brown chicken breasts, and really just didn't want curry.
So there.
Now go make this!
It's so simple that it could easily be taken for granted, but it's AMAZING.
Also, to explain the potatoes, because it has come to my attention that I need to explain them... I had initially intend to make a mini curry, but then it occurred to me that I couldn't remember the spice blend and couldn't be bothered to thaw and brown chicken breasts, and really just didn't want curry.
So there.
As a note, I wish to claim right now that I have not posted a single v*gan recipe. Yay me. Too lazy to actually edit this post. So I'm commenting.